Fruit that Starts with F

When it comes to fruits that start with the letter “F,” the variety is both fascinating and full of surprises. From well-known favorites like figs and feijoas to lesser-known gems such as finger limes and fox grapes, this collection of fruits spans continents, climates, and cultures. These fruits add richness not only to our plates but also to the broader world of culinary exploration. Whether sweet, tart, or something in between, fruits that start with “F” offer flavors that can be enjoyed fresh, dried, juiced, or even turned into delicious desserts and snacks.

A quick reminder before trying a new fruit: Some fruits may not be safe to eat raw, and others could be mistaken for inedible or harmful varieties. Do proper research before consuming unfamiliar fruits to ensure safety.”

List of Fruits that Start with F

1. Fairchild Tangerine

Fairchild Tangerine

2. Falsa (Indian Sherbet Berry)

3. Fanfare Melon

Fanfare Melon

4. Feijoa


5. Feminello Lemon

Feminello Lemon

6. Fibrous Mango

Fibrous Mango

7. Field Blackberry

Field Blackberry

8. Fiesta Apple

Fiesta Apple

9. Fig


10. Finger Banana

Finger Banana

11. Finger Lime

12. Flacourtia


13. Flame Seedless Grape

Flame Seedless Grape

14. Flat Fig

Flat Fig

15. Flat Papaya

Flat Papaya

16. Flat Peach

Flat Peach

17. Flesh Mango

Flesh Mango

18. Florida Avocado

Florida Avocado

19. Florida Grapefruit

Florida Grapefruit

20. Florida Key Lime

Florida Key Lime

21. Florida King Peach

Florida King Peach

22. Fortune Apple

Fortune Apple

23. Fortune Plum

Fortune Plum

24. Fortunella


25. Fox Grape

Fox Grape

26. Fragrant Mango

Fragrant Mango

27. Fragrant Pear

Fragrant Pear

28. Fremont Mandarin

Fremont Mandarin

29. French Apple

French Apple

30. French Guava

French Guava

31. Freyberg Apple

Freyberg Apple

32. Frost Apple

Frost Apple

33. Frost Grape

Frost Grape

34. Frost Peach

Frost Peach

35. Fukushu Kumquat

Fukushu Kumquat

36. Fukushu Mandarin

Fukushu Mandarin

37. Fuyu Persimmon

Fuyu Persimmon

38. Fairchild Mango

Fairchild Mango

39. Fairy Apple

40. Falerno Melon

Falerno Melon

41. Fameuse Apple

Fameuse Apple

42. Farden Peach

Farden Peach

43. Fatalii Pepper Fruit

Fatalii Pepper Fruit

44. Ferrara Apple

45. Festive Plum

Festive Plum

46. Field Tomato

Field Tomato

47. Fire Crystal Pear

Fire Crystal Pear

48. Florida Orange

Florida Orange

49. Forelle Pear

Forelle Pear

50. Forest Strawberry

Forest Strawberry

More Details About Fruits Starting with “F”

No Fruit Name Native Region Taste Color Season Edible Culinary Uses
1 Fairchild Tangerine United States Sweet, Tangy Orange Winter Yes Snacks, Juices
2 Falsa (Indian Sherbet Berry) India Sweet, Tart Purple Summer Yes Juices, Desserts
3 Fanfare Melon United States Sweet, Juicy Green Summer Yes Snacks, Salads
4 Feijoa South America Slightly Sweet, Tangy Green Fall Yes Jams, Desserts
5 Feminello Lemon Italy Acidic, Tart Yellow Year-round Yes Juices, Cooking
6 Fibrous Mango India Sweet, Fibrous Yellow Summer Yes Juices, Smoothies
7 Field Blackberry Europe, North America Sweet, Tart Black Summer Yes Jams, Desserts
8 Fiesta Apple United States Sweet, Crisp Red Fall Yes Snacks, Salads
9 Fig Middle East Sweet, Soft Purple/Green Summer Yes Snacks, Desserts
10 Finger Banana Philippines Sweet, Mild Yellow Year-round Yes Snacks, Smoothies
11 Finger Lime Australia Tart, Citrusy Green/Red Fall Yes Garnishes, Salads
12 Flacourtia Asia Tart, Slightly Sweet Red Summer Yes Jams, Pickles
13 Flame Seedless Grape United States Sweet, Juicy Red Fall Yes Snacks, Salads
14 Flat Fig Mediterranean Sweet, Mild Green Summer Yes Snacks, Baking
15 Flat Papaya South America Sweet, Mild Orange Year-round Yes Salads, Juices
16 Flat Peach China Sweet, Juicy Red/Yellow Summer Yes Snacks, Desserts
17 Flesh Mango India Sweet, Soft Orange Summer Yes Snacks, Desserts
18 Florida Avocado United States Buttery, Mild Green Fall Yes Salads, Guacamole
19 Florida Grapefruit United States Tart, Slightly Sweet Yellow/Pink Winter Yes Juices, Snacks
20 Florida Key Lime United States Tart, Citrusy Green Year-round Yes Juices, Pies
21 Florida King Peach United States Sweet, Juicy Yellow/Red Summer Yes Snacks, Desserts
22 Fortune Apple United States Sweet, Crisp Red Fall Yes Snacks, Baking
23 Fortune Plum Japan Sweet, Tangy Red Summer Yes Snacks, Jams
24 Fortunella China Sour, Sweet Orange Winter Yes Snacks, Garnishes
25 Fox Grape North America Sweet, Tart Purple Fall Yes Juices, Jellies
26 Fragrant Mango Thailand Sweet, Fragrant Yellow Summer Yes Snacks, Desserts
27 Fragrant Pear China Sweet, Juicy Green Fall Yes Snacks, Salads
28 Fremont Mandarin United States Sweet, Tangy Orange Winter Yes Snacks, Juices
29 French Apple France Sweet, Crisp Red Fall Yes Snacks, Baking
30 French Guava France Sweet, Aromatic Yellow/Green Summer Yes Juices, Desserts
31 Freyberg Apple New Zealand Sweet, Crisp Yellow Fall Yes Snacks, Baking
32 Frost Apple United States Sweet, Mild Red Fall Yes Snacks, Desserts
33 Frost Grape United States Tart, Sweet Blue Fall Yes Juices, Jams
34 Frost Peach United States Sweet, Juicy Yellow/Red Summer Yes Snacks, Desserts
35 Fukushu Kumquat Japan Sour, Sweet Orange Winter Yes Snacks, Garnishes
36 Fukushu Mandarin Japan Sweet, Tangy Orange Winter Yes Snacks, Juices
37 Fuyu Persimmon Japan Sweet, Mild Orange Fall Yes Snacks, Desserts
38 Fairchild Mango United States Sweet, Juicy Yellow/Red Summer Yes Snacks, Smoothies
39 Fairy Apple New Zealand Sweet, Crisp Red Fall Yes Snacks, Salads
40 Falerno Melon Italy Sweet, Juicy Green Summer Yes Snacks, Salads
41 Fameuse Apple Canada Sweet, Tender Red Fall Yes Snacks, Baking
42 Farden Peach United States Sweet, Juicy Yellow/Red Summer Yes Snacks, Desserts
43 Fatalii Pepper Fruit Africa Spicy, Fruity Yellow Summer Yes Hot Sauces, Pickles
44 Ferrara Apple Italy Sweet, Mild Red Fall Yes Snacks, Baking
45 Festive Plum United States Sweet, Tart Red Summer Yes Snacks, Jams
46 Field Tomato Worldwide Sweet, Tangy Red Summer Yes Salads, Sauces
47 Fire Crystal Pear China Sweet, Crisp Yellow/Red Fall Yes Snacks, Desserts
48 Florida Orange United States Sweet, Juicy Orange Winter Yes Juices, Snacks
49 Forelle Pear Germany Sweet, Crisp Yellow/Red Fall Yes Snacks, Salads
50 Forest Strawberry Europe Sweet, Aromatic Red Summer Yes Snacks, Desserts